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Feb 2, 2021Liked by Rebecca Christiansen

Ton of totally normal people here I see with big brains.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Rebecca Christiansen

It's like the same people who cry for attention on Twitter but you can get them to write even longer posts, crying into the void.

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Feb 3, 2021Liked by Rebecca Christiansen

Legit reading through and this is basically just the early days of the internet and lonely dudes pretending to be edgelords just project their insecurity out. Unsurprising. Great writing Rebecca!

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And this is the same guy tarnishing Manson for being an abuser without evidence. Don’t get me wrong, I have very little preventing me from believing the allegations, but they are as yet unproven. This guy just wants to signal that he’s a good one while he may be he also might like to diddle.

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Great writing? I’m going to be charitable, if it was great or groundbreaking where is the acclaim, where is the numbers of folks extolling it’s virtues? This guy is just applauding you for being a good ally by lying about racism.

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Also a summary dive into your Twitter betrays your false compassionate exterior. You are pure ideology and probably more racist than kkk.

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And the only attention I’m getting is Rebecca and like 1 person, so how is this for attention instead of trolling a lunatic who deserves it for being mental?

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Into the void, you decided to respond? Instead of responding to her post. You want that p. Any dissent is a cry for attention. You fucking racist pos.

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Progressive men are rarely what you think of them

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Spot on

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So observant

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Nailed it

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Only two idiot men have come to her defense and both post the most idiotic things imaginable on Twitter.

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See, Kendi doesn’t hate white people, only a retarded embecile would write this.

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Rebecca doesn’t know how to read news headlines and views everything a certain way because she was bullied once. Now she takes the most accepted progressive view that is disavowed by everyone else and clings to it like divine truth because that is preferable to thinking things out for herself.

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Rebecca is swallowing Kendi hard, even on 1776

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Rebecca retweets Sarah grynpas

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Rebecca knew about teal swan.

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Rebecca doesn’t even know the history of groundhogs day.

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Rebecca fetishizes black men.

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Rebecca likes anything to get her mind off calories.

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Rebecca likes to feel like she is part of the movement,

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Rebecca likes to virtue signal.

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Rebecca likes to masturbate.

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The best reviews demolishing Kendi s books where written by people who read his work. It’s like saying don’t criticize hitter before reading Mein kampf, this lady is dumb as they come

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